About Us

Born 2 Excel Overview

Born 2 Excel will focus on providing intermediate and long term support to stabilize pregnant women and their children who are recovering from domestic violence. In Jacksonville and the surrounding North Florida counties. There is a void of services directly targeted to women who are pregnant and are victims of violent partners. Pregnancy adds an additional layer of complexity including prenatal care, postpartum care, and new born care to a woman escaping a violent environment. Born 2 Excel will integrate these specific issues in their educational and support programs for pregnant women. In the frantic scenarios that are often part of a woman’s daily existence with an abusive partner, the health of the baby can move into a lower priority then the mother’s daily survival.

Our Mission

Born 2 Excel, Inc.’s mission is to provide resources and training to aid in supporting victims of domestic violence and families to move into wholeness and financial stability.

Born 2 Excel will focus on providing intermediate and/or long-term support to stabilize pregnant women and their children who are recovering from domestic violence. The two focus areas will be r mentoring young pregnant women to ensure healthy babies and education of resources to improve the quality of life for the clients those needing support services.

“On A Mission” with La’Tina Willis from Born 2 Excel, Inc.

Each week on “On a Mission” we talk to community leaders who are out to make a positive impact in the area. Today, our host Dr. Wendy Norfleet talks with La’Tina Willis from Born 2 Excel, Inc.


Born 2 Excel will be volunteer driven until sustainable sources of revenue are developed. During the initial first two years, volunteers will be recruited from a variety of sources and organizations from the surrounding Jacksonville area including churches, schools, community-based organizations. Born 2 Excel is acutely aware of the complexities around domestic violence and recognize survivors have gifts and experiences that may be invaluable and incorporated into the Born 2 Excel volunteer training modules.  We anticipate that Born 2 Excel graduates will also become part of the staff as the organization grows. It is important however, that all staff are trained to Born 2 Excel standards to provide compassionate, consistent, and professional services. An initial team will be trained in the principles and of Born 2 Excel protocols. A “Trainer to Trainer” model will be incorporated for ongoing training of volunteers


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