Domestic & Family Violence

Domestic and family violence services

Born To Excel has a diverse domestic and family violence services sector. Specialist domestic and family violence services are available in Perth and regionally and offer a variety of support, advocacy, counselling services, legal support and other resources.

Specialist domestic and family violence services have a long history of providing invaluable support to women and children experiencing, or at risk of, domestic and family violence. Services are highly skilled in the provision of advocacy, risk assessment, risk management, safety planning, counselling and a range of other services that support victim safety and perpetrator accountability. They place the needs of victim-survivors at the centre of their practice. Specialist domestic and family violence services are designed for all women, from diverse backgrounds and individual experiences, and there are culturally secure specialist services available.

Our Role

Our key work is to build and maintain our role as a key co-design partner of the domestic and family violence services system, advocate for further development and system reform, and support domestic and family violence sector development and engagement. We provide a coordinated voice to improve outcomes in the prevention of, and response to, violence against women and their children. Our work is based on a feminist philosophy, that is, gender-based violence is largely a product of historical, socially constructed gender roles; specifically, notions of masculinity and the political, economic and social factors that give men power over women.