Born to Excel, LLC

Born to Excel, Inc. is a Jacksonville, Florida based, not for profit helping women and families who have been subject to domestic violence move beyond their current situation and into emotional wholeness and financial self-sufficiency.

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Born 2 Excel, Inc.’s mission is to provide resources and training to aid in supporting victims of domestic violence and families to move into wholeness and financial stability.

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Born 2 Excel will be volunteer driven until sustainable sources of revenue are developed. Staff will develop a revenue producing annual conference.


Our vision is a world full of families who are unified, happy, loving, productive, and supportive to one another.

Our Purpose

We will achieve this purpose by working with governments, peak bodies, public, community and private organisations to prevent violence against women, promote women’s health, advance gender equity and to ensure that women’s voices are integral to policy, legislation and services.

We will take an intersectional approach that recognises the multiple forms of discrimination women face, so that responses to these issues address the particular and diverse needs of women.

Our Focus Areas

Family and Domestic Violence
Sexual Violence
Women's Health
Gender Equality

We’re working together against domestic abuse until women and children are safe

women’s Aid is the national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children. As a federation we provide life-saving services across England while building a future where domestic abuse is not tolerated.

Scope of the Problem

Domestic violence also called intimate partner violence (IPV) is a pattern of behaviors used by one partner to maintain physical, emotional, psychological, or financial power and control over another partner in an intimate relationship.  Domestic abuse continues to be a serious issue putting the lives of women and children at risk and is extremely destructive to the long-term development of healthy children and families.


What They Say About Us

Why choose us

Experienced & Dedication

We are the leading voice for women and children affected by gender-based violence


Born 2 Excel will be volunteer driven until sustainable sources of revenue are developed.


One of the building blocks of the initial programing will focus Sister to Sister Mentoring which will pair younger pregnant women


Education is a critical to being financially independent and is often a barrier keeping women from moving beyond an abusive relationship.

Women can do everything.

 Every woman deserves to feel safe and secure in her daily life, whether at work, at home, or in public spaces. It is imperative that society takes proactive steps to address issues of harassment, violence, and discrimination against women, ensuring that they can fully participate and thrive in all aspects of life.

Our Story

Born 2 Excel will focus on providing intermediate and long term support to stabilize pregnant women and their children who are recovering from domestic violence. In Jacksonville and the surrounding North Florida counties. There is a void of services directly targeted to women who are pregnant and are victims of violent partners. Pregnancy adds an additional layer of complexity including prenatal care, postpartum care, and new born care to a woman escaping a violent environment. Born 2 Excel will integrate these specific issues in their educational and support programs for pregnant women.