Our Purpose

Our Purpose

Amplify the collective voice to ensure women have the right to equal access, and outcomes for safety health and wellbeing.

We will achieve this purpose by working with governments, peak bodies, public, community and private organisations to prevent violence against women, promote women’s health, advance gender equity and to ensure that women’s voices are integral to policy, legislation and services.

We will take an intersectional approach that recognises the multiple forms of discrimination women face, so that responses to these issues address the particular and diverse needs of women.

Our Vision

Our vision is a world full of families who are unified, happy, loving, productive, and supportive to one another.

Our Strategic Focus Areas

  • Build the sustainability, capability and connectedness of domestic, family and sexual violence services and community-based women’s health services
  • Strengthen the ability of organisations, sectors and systems to provide coordinated, comprehensive, effective responses
  • Mobilise collaborative advocacy and primary prevention for collective impact
  • Build an accountable, sustainable organisation